Report Writing and Approval
All completed in the familiar MS Word environment
Microsoft Word is where we do our best work
Enhanced Microsoft Word report templates with Content Controls
Hidden text, dropdown menus, protected sections and more
Powerful attachment, confidential and authorisation functionality
Reports save directly to your document management system
A workflow that just works
An authorisation workflow that integrates with your email
MS Word Review functionality tracks changes and makes comments
Revisions and complete audit trail is captured in an EDRMS
A single screen for the meeting administrator to manage the process
No more attachment issues
Attach up to A3 size documents, in landscape or portrait format
Include or exclude attachments from an agenda with a single mouse click
Publish attachments under separate cover
Access original PDF attachments via links in the published PDF agenda
What makes Infocouncil even more useful
Powerful full-text search functionality to find any document
Select multi-level Council Plan items using the Council Plan tab
Include hidden guide text to assist report writers
Protect sections, text and headings to ensure consistent formatting
Keep it confidential
Fully automated confidential report handling
Insert confidential clauses automatically in the correct format
Formats meet Australian and New Zealand legislative requirements
Robust document security and access