Training – Senior Learning Specialist – What Training Means To Me
Updated: Aug 31, 2022
by Christine Dunand - Senior Learning Specialist | August 30, 2022 | Features and Benefits
My role at Infocouncil has become more training focussed, not only for existing clients, but with implementation training for new clients. I will still be providing support through the Help Desk, however, may not be always available.
Six of my 13 years working in local government was dedicated to corporate systems training – training all staff from the outdoor workers to the senior management team how to use council’s corporate software products. It wasn’t just about learning the products, but also handling change management. This, together with five years governance experience has equipped me with the skills to not only educate in the Infocouncil product, but also understand your governance processes.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing people succeed, particularly on the first day of a course when an attendee says ‘this will be a challenge for you’.
COVID changed the way Infocouncil training was delivered, online communication became the norm. We had to quickly adapt to delivering online training using Zoom or Microsoft Teams. We were already using TeamViewer with a single user, but now we were delivering to a number of attendees in different locations. Whilst online learning can be an efficient way to deliver training, it can be a challenge when things out of our control derail the session. I have also noticed there is not the same interaction with the learners as onsite training; with easing of restrictions more onsite training is being requested.
Some of you have already received Infocouncil training, so you know I create a training program to meet your specific requirements. This includes an overview of the software. During the session I identify how you can improve your processes by taking advantage of existing features and/or identify changes which can be made to your environment at minimal or no cost. These are listed in Issues identified which forms part of the training update report, which is prepared when training is complete.
With over 260 clients, no two clients are same, there are many different committees; different templates and inserts; different names for the same process - often the terminology is different between councils, states and countries. The training team familiarise themselves with your environment before delivering training courses.

While the Infocouncil Meeting Cycle is the same for all meetings, for some clients not all features are being used, perhaps this is because inhouse training was provided by someone using an older version of the software and only that knowledge has been imparted to the next person responsible for the role, or it could be that the person received no training and is self-taught, and they know the product can do more and want to learn how to get the best out of it.
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