Rapid Focus Training
The new training module designed to be flexible, inexpensive and sharply-focused to suit your needs
by Infocouncil Team | December 13, 2022 | Features and Benefits

At Infocouncil, our primary focus is our customers and their unique needs and requirements. After speaking with many of you on a daily basis we recognise that training is an extremely important need.
We know that it takes time out of your busy schedule to arrange training and often, you're unable to accommodate the additional cost in your training budgets. With this in mind, we’ve developed a sharply focussed training solution that provides the flexibility required to adapt our training to suit your immediate needs.
Our Infocouncil Rapid Focus Training Plan
Is limited to 2 hours,
Is focused on your nominated and specific need/s,
Is discussed with you prior to your booking, so we understand what to prepare, and
Is performed online interactively.
The benefits of this plan for councils include
Identifying where Word Automation functionalities are not being utilised to their full potential and reduce any manual processes,
Reducing disruptions to productivity by requesting support help,
Eliminating long hours away from busy schedules to attend training,
Only paying for what you need.
Rapid Focused training is limited to availability of professional training staff who are scheduled for training classes.
Available times are advised 1 month forward, and requests accepted on first-in booking basis,
There is a need to allow for a minimum of 3 working days from request date to delivery to allow for discussion and preparation work
Booked times may be rescheduled to another day within a week of your selected course date (subject to availability) or another mutually suitable time.
Contact Us
We have now released available RFT dates on our website. Please click here to view available times and to book your spot.