Introducing - Our New and Improved Website
Updated: Apr 17, 2023
We've updated our website and we're pretty excited about it!
by Client Engagement and Marketing Team | October 24, 2022 | General News

The updated look and feel of our web presence is all thanks to the hard work of our Marketing Team. If you haven’t seen it yet, we invite you to check it out: In fact, you'll find all of our newsletter articles are located in the Blog section of our website. 😊
The new features of our site include:
An FAQ page that we will update as we receive questions from you
Our Infocouncil Blog page where you can access our newsletter posts for your quick reference
A page dedicated to explaining our Total Automation Solution and why we remain the best solution for automating Agendas and Minutes
A careers section, listing all of our currently available opportunities
We also have ambitious plans to improve our content so that we continue to improve our services to you, our clients. We are investigating further functionality, including:
User Groups using a login via our webpage where clients can interact with other councils who can offer valuable tips, tricks and support
A booking system where clients can schedule a demonstration of Infocouncil’s functionality, or book a Support appointment
Live Support chat for all clients
The addition of certain Knowledge Base/Help articles that will assist our clients with quick access to the best of our Infocouncil Help information
Have feedback or suggestions for us?
If you'd like to make suggestions, supply content or have general feedback about our new website, please don't hesitate to contact our Marketing Team at We'd love to hear from you!