BPR-e online soon and free
Updated: Apr 18, 2023
We make reviewing your usage even easier
by Infocouncil Team | 14th April 2023 | Features and Benefits

Best Practice Review was hugely popular in 2022, so much so that we had to stop providing this service due to lack of ability to handle the volume.
We are now finalising making the BPR available for on-line information gathering based on our 20 years of experience and 270 councils using Infocouncil.
BPR-e will shorten the work load and at the same time allow councils to complete the BPR information gathering at their own pace, having all team members partake and add information.
We will provide you with recommendations on where increased automation and efficiencies can be obtained.
The BPR-e is performed for free as part of our new services which adds value to Infocouncil users.
Bookings and password will be available shortly on our web site.
For further information
We will send out communication via email and update our home page with links as soon as our new initiative is officially released. Keep an eye on your inbox! If you know someone who would like to sign up for our newsletter, please send them to the bottom of this page: www.infocouncil.com.au